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Year 5

Art - Papier Mache and Clay Pots


Today we have been weaving with straws and wool. 

The children have loved this activity and wanted the link so it is below:





Happy New Year!

This week we have been looking at mixtures and solutions. We have created mixtures and solutions and then looked at different ways these can be separated. The children have thoroughly enjoyed being hands on!


We have also looked at Hundertwasser in Art and created some beautiful stained glass paintings based of the abstract art. 


A fantastic start to the year!

A New Year


A very warm welcome to the Autumn Term in Year 5. We have been delighted to see how well the children have returned to school focussed and ready to learn. 





We expect the children to do the following tasks:

  • Read at least 20 minutes a day and record this in their reading diary which should be handed in daily
  • Complete at least 25 minutes of TT Rockstars a week and if you want to check your times table knowledge, do the Multiplication Check –
  • Spellings will be given out every week and should be completed and handed in each Friday.


A few reminders:


  • Please make sure that PE kits are in school for the whole week. Children will need jogging bottoms, a sweat shirt and trainers for outdoor PE during the Autumn and Spring Term.
  • For Health and Safety reasons, we ask that children with pierced ears remove their earrings for PE lessons.  Our PE lessons will be on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
  • Reading Diaries and reading books should be brought to school every day



We will keep you up to date with everything as the term progresses so keep checking here for news and photos.


The Year 5 Team


