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Year 5

We have had another wonderful yet wet day! 

We have been to Beeston Castle which was a long and steep trek but the views made up for it. We saw where the drawbridge would have been, the arrow slits, the well and much more. We also walked around the base of the mound and enjoyed lunch afterwards! 

After this, we visited Chester Zoo where we saw many beautiful and some exotic animals and had a superb time which was finished in the gift shop. 

The children are now packed and ready for another busy day tomorrow with the journey home and the stop at Cadbury World - they are very excited for this!

We will see you all tomorrow!

That time has arrived!

The children have had an absolutely jam-packed day! We have been to the Grosvenor museum where we dressed and acted as Roman soldiers, learning about different formations when fighting the Celts, explored different exhibits and experienced activities linking to Roman armour, food and pottery.

After this, we visited Crocky Trail and what a blast we had! So many children overcame their fears to go on the different slides and rides and we couldn't have been more proud of them.

We returned to Chester Hall at 5.15 and had our tea (meatballs or jacket potato and chocolate fudge cake!) before heading back to the field for rounders and games.

The football was on the radio and their expressions at the goals scored so far were wonderful!

Some are finishing listening to the match and then are swiftly off to bed for another busy day tomorrow!

They have all been fantastic and we have lots of comments about their lovely manners and politeness!

Good evening!

We have had an absolutely brilliant start to our residential!

The bus journey had superb scenery and lovely singing to enjoy! Enginuity was a massive hit where the children enjoyed their lunches and then explored the different machinery and STEM activities.

Back on the bus to Chester and they were very excited to be in Wales briefly!

We have arrived, unpacked our bags and spent time playing games, den building and running around.

Dinner was a huge success and all the children enjoyed their meals and have now returned back to the field to play games and run their last energy off before showers and bedtime.

The weather has been forgiving so far - fingers crossed for tomorrow!

Summer Term


We have swimming on a Monday! Please bring your kits!

Mexico have PE on a Wednesday.

Brazil have PE on a Thursday.

Country Dancing afternoon!

STEM afternoon - 07/06/2024

This afternoon, Brazil class took part in a STEM afternoon. We had visitors from Graham come in and help us to build bridges and secure constructions. We all had different jobs like: Project Manager, Buyer, Health and Safety officer etc. We had GREAT fun and built some really successful structures! We were all competitive over building the tallest column! See our pictures below:

STEM afternoon - 03/06/2024

This afternoon, Mexico class took part in a STEM afternoon. We had visitors from Graham come in and help us to build bridges and secure constructions. We all had different jobs, like Project Manager, Buyer, Health and Safety officer etc. We had GREAT fun and built some really successful structures! See our pictures below:

We really enjoyed our Sports Day on Tuesday 21st May! Have a look at some of the fun we had in the photos below!

In DT this term we have looked at structures and how to build and strengthen structures. We had great fun using straws and lolly sticks to help us with our learning! 

Art - Papier Mache and Clay Pots


Today we have been weaving with straws and wool. 

The children have loved this activity and wanted the link so it is below:





Happy New Year!

This week we have been looking at mixtures and solutions. We have created mixtures and solutions and then looked at different ways these can be separated. The children have thoroughly enjoyed being hands on!


We have also looked at Hundertwasser in Art and created some beautiful stained glass paintings based of the abstract art. 


A fantastic start to the year!

A New Year


A very warm welcome to the Autumn Term in Year 5. We have been delighted to see how well the children have returned to school focussed and ready to learn. 





We expect the children to do the following tasks:

  • Read at least 20 minutes a day and record this in their reading diary which should be handed in daily
  • Complete at least 25 minutes of TT Rockstars a week and if you want to check your times table knowledge, do the Multiplication Check –
  • Spellings will be given out every week and should be completed and handed in each Friday.


A few reminders:


  • Please make sure that PE kits are in school for the whole week. Children will need jogging bottoms, a sweat shirt and trainers for outdoor PE during the Autumn and Spring Term.
  • For Health and Safety reasons, we ask that children with pierced ears remove their earrings for PE lessons.  Our PE lessons will be on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
  • Reading Diaries and reading books should be brought to school every day



We will keep you up to date with everything as the term progresses so keep checking here for news and photos.


The Year 5 Team


