The Diamond Learning Partnership Trust (DLPT) and Glebelands Primary Academy believe that in order to facilitate teaching and learning, good attendance is essential. Pupils cannot achieve their full potential if they do not regularly attend school.
We are committed to:
The average attendance for a school age child is above 95%. At Glebelands we target attendance above 96%.
Children may only be absent from school for medical reasons or other very exceptional circumstances.
We ask parents/carers to contact the school as soon as possible to let us know about any absence. In the event that we are not notified, the school will contact you.
We would discourage parents from taking any leave of absence during term time. If this is unavoidable, we would ask you to complete a 'Leave of Absence Request Form' to let us know of your intention.
The school requires parents to observe the school holidays as prescribed; therefore, the headteacher will be unable to authorise holidays during term-time in the vast majority of cases. The headteacher will be only allowed to grant a leave of absence in exceptional circumstances.
Applications must be made in advance and the headteacher will be satisfied by the evidence which is presented, before authorising term-time leave. The headteacher will determine the amount of time a pupil can be away from school during term-time.
Any leave of absence is at the discretion of the headteacher. Any requests for leave during term-time will be considered on an individual basis and the pupil’s previous attendance record will be taken into account.
Requests for leave will not be granted in the following circumstances:
If parents take their child out of school during term-time without authorisation from the headteacher, they may be subject to sanctions such as penalty fines.
The school will regard punctuality as of the utmost importance and lateness will not be tolerated. Pupils should be in their classroom on time.
Children who are persistently late to school will miss a significant amount of their education.
Should lateness continue, Parent/Carers will be invited to a meeting at school to discuss their child’s lateness.