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At Glebelands, we are following the mastery approach to learning. This means we focus on understanding the concepts through a whole class approach where everyone can access a part of the objective. We mainly look at CPA (concrete, pictorial, abstract). This means (as often as we can) we start new learning with concrete materials (manipulatives) to explore concepts; we then advance this onto pictorial diagrams, drawings and bar modelling; finally, we can then show formal written methods.


Planning our lessons

Key pedagogies that should form the basis of every lesson:


1) Focus on the critical point (what in the lesson do you want the children to understand)

2) Small numbers (this will lead to them applying what they have learnt rather than focusing on the larger numbers)

3) Linked equations (choose your numbers carefully so they link)

4) Examples and non-examples (give examples that work to explain why and examples that do not to explain why it does not work)


Maths focus In KS1, they also have the opportunity to be a part of the new Mastery for Number program where a deeper and more rounded understanding of number will be formed. This may look like it is very slow but it allows the foundations to be fully embedded to build on in future years.

Calculation Policy

This is an example from our calculation policy. This can also be found below.

Our calculation policy must be followed for all four operations. It is broken down into headings of addition/subtraction and multiplication/division. It is then categorised into Year groups for easy access.

Mental Maths

Every day, each teacher spends 15 minutes focussing on mental recall and number links to help improve our number sense. We encourage the children to make links between numbers and use a range of STEM sentences to help remember this.


Key resources


Number Sense:

This is a great resource for KS1 to use in their daily mental time. It is also useful for lessons and has been linked to within the new long-term plans for KS1. KS2 can use this resource for those children who need extra support with their number understanding.


TT Rockstars/Numbots:

This forms the basis of our homework.

FS (after October half term) – 15 mins a week on Numbots

Year 1 and 2 – 15 mins a week on Numbots

Year 3 and 4 – 20 mins a week on TT Rockstars

Year 5 and 6 – 25 mins a week on TT Rockstars


