Week ending 20.12.24
We have had such a busy end to the term, culminating in a visit from Father Christmas!
We enjoyed learning about the importance of light in different religions. We learnt about what the different parts of a Christingle represents and we each made our own.
We performed our Christingle Celebration to our families and they really enjoyed our songs and words.
We learnt about Divali and made diva lamps from clay.
We arranged our diva lamps outside and tried to light them but it was too windy!
In The Dalmatians, we have been celebrating the successes of: Lara, Charlie and Dougie (6.12.24), Eden, Charlie and Alice-Mai (13.12.24) and Eden (20.12.24)
In The Koalas, we have been celebrating the successes of: Jakub, Jacob and Jazmin (6.12.24), Jazmin, Jakub and Tonis (13.12.24) and Tonis, Jazmin and Lucas (20.12.24)
Week ending 29.11.24
We have been working hard to develop our phonic knowledge and we have been recapping the GPCs we have already learned.
We wrote some great Smelly Louie stories and we are now enjoying The Jolly Postman by Janet and Allan Ahlberg.
This book is full of familiar characters from fairy tales and nursery rhymes. We have been reading some fairy tales and traditional tales and thinking about the characters.
In science, we are continuing to earn about animals, including humans.
We learnt about carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.
Which of these jaws belongs to a herbivore and which belongs to a herbivore?
In The Dalmatians, we have been celebrating the successes of Alice, Amelie and Dougie (21.11.24) and Noah, Harper and Max (28.11.24)
In the Koalas, we have been celebrating the successes of Jacob, Amelia and Jakub ( 21.11.24) and Amelia, Jakub and Royalty (28.11.24)
Week ending 15.11.24
We have had a very busy couple of weeks!
We really enjoyed finding out about the ways in which shops and shopping have changed since the 1950s.
We set up a 1950s high street which included a florist, bakery, grocers shops, green grocers, iron mongers, haberdashery and milliners. There was not a credit card in sight!
The milliners was a particular favourite!
This week (wc 11.11.24) has been anti bullying week and we have been exploring ways to Choose Respect.
In The Dalmatians, we have celebrated Lara, Dougie and Benett (wc 4.11.24) and Dougie, Holly and Noel (wc 11.11.24)
In The Koalas, we have celebrated Jacob, Jakub and Jazmin (wc 4.11.24) and Jacob, Amelie and Lucas (wc 11.11.24)
Week ending 25.10.24
It's half term! We are all ready for a good break.
Everyone has worked so hard and we were pleased to be able to share successes and progress in our Parent Consultation meetings.
Over the last two weeks, we have been working hard to develop our skills in Maths. We have been practising number bonds to 10 and learning to write addition number sentences in different ways.
We have been enjoying stories about Percy the Park Keeper and we have been identifying the subject and verb in sentences about Percy.
We have started our work in History and we sorted a selection of old and new objects. The children were fascinated by an old type writer! Lego has been around for a long time so we decided that this fitted into both the old and new categories.
It is good to see how many children are now engaging with this!
In The Dalmatians, we celebrated the success of Alice-Mai, Dougie and Charlotte, Noel, Holly and Bella.
Week ending 11.10.24
The children have really enjoyed our work in science where we have been finding out about plants and trees. We searched for wild flowers on the school site and we found out about garden flowers too. We made our own flowers using petals from chrysanthemum flowers.
We looked at the trees around the school field and made bark rubbings. We are learning about deciduous and evergreen trees and we have an oak sapling which we are going to look after in the courtyard.
In English, we are learning about being verbs and action verbs.
Question of the week: How many action verbs can you think of?
In Maths, we have been comparing numbers and using the terms' greater than', 'less than' and 'fewer than'.
We are using part-part whole models as part of our work on addition.
Over the last fortnight, The Dalmatians have celebrated the achievements of Amelie, Dougie and Lara, Elsie, Ivan and Ranveer.
The Koalas have celebrated the achievements of James, Kristian, Alex, Jacob and Royalty.
Week ending 27.9.24
This week we are celebrating Amelie, Alice-Mai and Ranveer who have all been working hard on Numbots.
Our question of the week is also maths based: Can you count back and find one less than a number?
This has been an exciting week! We thoroughly enjoyed the Science Show on Wednesday, with so many exciting experiments. Our science work in class has moved on to finding out about plants. We made a start on this and it was great that the children were able to remember so much of their learning from Foundation Stage.
The children are really enjoying our work in art where we are learning to make different marks. We have made different marks to represent the fur of different dogs. The children were completely absorbed ...
Week ending 20.9.24
This week we are celebrating the achievements of Amelie, Alice-Mai, Holly, Tonis, Alex and Jacob . Well done!
We have had a very busy week and we are proud of the way the children have settled into their new routines.
In Science, we have been finding out about seasonal weather changes. The children were particularly interested in looking at photos and videos of autumn storms. We have been learning to write captions to match photos.
Question of the week: What changes take place in autumn?
Week ending 13.9.24
We've just completed our first full week! The children are working hard and we are enjoying getting to know each other.
We have been enjoying reading and listening to the Hairy MacLary stories by Linley Dodd.
Question of the week: Can you remember the names of the characters in the Hairy MacLary stories?
In Maths, we are continuing to explore shapes. We have been finding out which 3D shapes stack and which ones roll.
Week ending 6.9.24
Welcome to Year One!
Thank you for sending your children back to school looking so smart in their school uniforms.
The Dalmatians are becoming familiar with their new classroom and are settling into work and daily routines really well!
We are enjoying getting to know the children and we are looking forward to an exciting year ahead.
In Maths, we have been exploring 2D shapes and we have started our Science work by finding out about the four seasons.
Question of the week: Can you name the 4 seasons?