Well done to Myles and Tamas who are this week's Glebelands People in Owls class.
Myles for being so engaged with his learning. I have been impressed with how enthusiastic he has been learning all about the Anglo-Saxons!
Tamas has been practicing his handwriting skills and it has been wonderful to see how much he has improved! His new-found confidence in writing using the cursive handwriting style is brilliant.
Our Times Table Rockstars superstars this week are Daniel and ____-- well done!
Well done to Lacey-Mae and Anirvesh who are this week's Glebelands People in Owls class.
Lacey-Mae is always seen showing off her fantastic singing skills and dance actions in assembly. She always joins in and has a beaming smile on her face when she does!
Anirvesh has been working incredibly hard in Lightning Squad to enhance his writing skills. Mrs Cushen has been particularly impressed with his progress.
Our Times Table Rockstars superstars this week are Myles and ____-- well done!
Well done to Bella and Aaleyea-Mai who are this week's Glebelands People in Otters class. Bella always tries her best at everything she does and has really impressed us with the progress she has made in learning her times tables. Aaleyea-Mai has been demonstrating a really positive attitude in class and has been making a huge effort to present her work neatly. Great job both of you!
Well done to Maja and Jenson who are this week's Glebelands People in Owls class.
Maja for consistently being a role-model to her peers. She is always engaged in her learning and actively shows the 5 R's.
Jenson has been making great progress with his counting to 100. We have been really impressed with his skip counting in twos!
Our Times Table Rockstars superstars this week are Myles and Bella - well done!
Last week was an exciting week for Y4 as it was our residential trip to Burwell House. The pupils who went had a fantastic time and staff were really proud of their behaviour and enthusiasm for the activities.
Well done to Maicee, Aarib, Daniel and Bailey for being Glebelands People this week. They impressed us with their willingness to try new things and to have a go on the residential trip.
Well done To Tallulah who is also our Glebelands Person this week. She really impressed staff back at school with her kindness and helpful attitude.
Well done to Jasper who is our Times Table Rockstars superstar again!
Well done to Olivia and Owen who are this week's Glebelands People in Owls Class.
Both Olivia and Owen have demonstrated consistent kindness this week. They always offer to help with classroom jobs; always check if people are okay (including staff!) and always show readiness for their learning. Thank you for showing kindness and love in our school.
Well done to Finley and Maks who are this week's Glebelands People on Otters Class. Finley has really impressed us with his improved focus and effort in class and Maks has shown real enthusiasm for his learning. Great job!
Well done to Myles and Jasper who are this week's TTRS superstars - well done!