In this section, we will detail information about our curriculum offer.
We follow CUSP planning for Science, History, Geography, French, Design & Technology and Art & Design. Details of how these subjects will be covered can be seen in the Year Group Modular Planning document below and on the individual subject pages.
CUSP (Curriculum with Unity Schools Partnership) is a curriculum revolution. Written by Alex Bedford, Unity SP’s Primary Adviser, CUSP is:
CUSP is underpinned by evidence, research and cognitive science. Modules are deliberately sequenced for robust progression and allows teachers to focus on the lesson.
There is an emphasis on oracy and vocabulary acquisition, retention and use to break down learning barriers and accelerate progress. A rich diet of language and vocabulary is deliberately planned for.
Specific skills are discreetly taught and practised so that they become transferrable. The sequenced modules activate prior learning, build on skills and deepen knowledge AND understanding. Learning, vocabulary and content is cumulative; content is learned, retrieved and built upon.
For Computing, we follow Teach Computing units.
Music is taught weekly and has been planned using the Model Curriculum and Charanga.
We use Cambridgeshire PSHE service for our PSHE teaching and the RE is based around the Cambridgeshire Agreed Syllabus. PE is also based on the Cambridgeshire scheme of work.
Please be aware that these are working documents and, as such, will be updated regularly.
For further curriculum information please contact Mrs Jenny English, Mrs Nicola Folwell or Mrs Wood.
We will send out half-termly year group newsletters with key information for the upcoming term. This will detail topics that will be covered, PE days, date for diaries such as trips, homework information and any other important news for the year group.