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Special Educational Needs and Disability



Welcome to the SEND page of the school website.  Here you will find information about SEND policy and practice within the school. We hope you find the information on the page useful, accessible and easy to understand. Paper copies of each document are available on request.

The SENDCO is Alexandra Straker. If you would like to request a call back from the SENDCo, please contact the school office.

01354 695915

Alternatively, if you email the office with your query, the office will pass the information on to Alexandra's email.

The Cambridgeshire Local Offer

As part of the revised Code of Practice for SEND, all local authorities with their partners must publish in one place information about the services they expect to be available in their area for children and young people aged 0-25 who have a special educational need and/or disabilities (SEND). This is known as the local offer. This is the link to the Cambridgeshire Local Offer, which will be changed and developed over time and in consultation with parents, children and young people. 


The 'Ordinarily Available Provision' Toolkit (OAP)' is a resource for schools and other educational settings. The purpose of this is to define for Early Years settings, Schools, and Further Education providers in Cambridgeshire what provision should be (ordinarily) available for children and young people with SEND. We hope this will also support parent, carers and professionals to work with schools to support children with SEND. Please click here to find the OAP



The Parent Partnership Service providing Cambridgeshire's SEND Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) offers impartial and confidential information, advice and support to parents and carers who have a child or young person with special educational needs (SEN) or a disability or have concerns that their child has special educational needs. They also offer impartial and confidential information, advice and support to young people and children with special educational needs (SEN) or a disability or who have concerns they may have special educational needs. 



An Information Point for Cambridgeshire parents with children and young people with SEND.


Pinpoint Cambridgeshire is run for parents – by parents.

They give help and information to parent carers of children and young people aged 0-25 with additional needs and disabilities, and give parent carers opportunities to have a say and get involved in improving local services.

No formal diagnosis is required to access support from Pinpoint – a child may be on a waiting list, accessing services, had a referral turned down, or just be struggling.

Parenting courses



Parents and carers sometimes need extra support or information to help with parenting and to build a strong and positive family life. It is also often required that you complete a Parenting Course if your child is going down a Neurological Pathway via the SENDCO.


The council offer a variety of free parenting courses that are available both virtually and face to face across the county. Attending a parenting course offers the opportunity to meet other parents, share stories and build informal support networks.


The following link takes you to the Local Authority Website and a number of parenting courses are outlined. You can fill in a form to register interest and you will be made aware when the next courses are starting.


Parenting courses




