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Physical Education


At Glebelands we follow the Cambridgeshire Scheme which is carefully sequenced and designed with progression from year-to-year in mind. Its sequences of learning are carefully planned to build on children’s prior learning and the curriculum also revisits key skills to ensure that they are embedded. We place emphasis on the importance of key vocabulary to discuss with children as teaching points in lessons to support learning. Regular practice ensures that the knowledge ‘sticks’. Our lessons provide opportunities for children to show their ability and recall knowledge focused on (including recapping vocabulary taught in previous lessons). Frequently, our lessons provide opportunities to begin with reflections / recaps of this prior knowledge. 


From EYFS onwards, all of our classes are explicitly taught two hours of PE each week. This means that two PE units are delivered termly i.e. three times a year. Implementation of the curriculum intent is monitored through checking planning (including long term and MTP), pupil voice and feedback from adults (including our dedicated sports coach) during lesson / ad hoc visits. Monitoring at Glebelands has identified that the planned curriculum is being delivered in all age groups from EYFS upwards. In addition, it has elicited that teachers are able to address gaps in children’s knowledge having identified and recorded any at the assessment stage (through delivery of the current years’ curriculum). 


This term Glebelands children have been physically active and learned about the importance of PE, and the importance of living a healthy lifestyle (including being able to discuss what an active lifestyle looks like). We have placed emphasis on the importance of assessment opportunities - including but not exclusively end-of-unit assessment - to support teacher assessment. The end of unit assessments (from the Cambridgeshire Scheme of Work for PE) are used to assess children at the end of each lesson series. This has promoted opportunities for our children to demonstrate the skills that have been taught throughout each unit of work.  

Our swimming data for 2022-23 shows that 55% of our children achieve the standard set by the National Curriculum (competent swimming, range of strokes and safe self-rescue). 
