Glebelands Friends
Jo Potgieter - Chair
Sam Williams - Vice Chair
Nicki Belcher - Treasurer
Rosemary Coetzer - Secretary
Glebelands Friends is a group of people who form the school PTA. Anybody who has a link with the school is a Glebelands Friend, whether you have a child at the school, work here, or live locally and want to help us.
Glebelands Friends provide funding towards the transport costs of your children’s school trips. Without this, the cost of these visits would be much higher and possibly not viable. They subsidise the visiting theatre productions and also purchase the book bags and a book for all reception children and the dictionaries for year six children. The after school clubs have funds to help them run and funds are used for new play equipment and other projects in school. There are lots of ways YOUR children benefit from their fund raising.
They meet about 6 times a year and the meetings are very informal. Even if you can not attend every meeting, just let us know that you can help at an event. You could be an extra pair of hands to help at a cake stall, or you could offer to wrap presents or you could help serve the cream teas at country dancing, every little helps.