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At Glebelands Primary Academy, our vision statement ‘Achieve and Believe’ reflects our desire to provide the best possible education, opportunities and environment for all who are part of our school. We believe that our school is be an inclusive community where ALL aim high, achieve well and develop self-confidence, positive values and beliefs, a sense of community, well-being and caring attitudes towards others.  PSHE is central to this ethos and equips our children with the knowledge, skills and strategies to live happy, healthy, safe and responsible lives and make informed choices. We strive to encourage our pupils to celebrate diversity, to show respect and be global citizens who can contribute positively to the community. 

We enable our children to develop their sense of self-worth by encouraging them to work collaboratively with others, broadening their experiences, rewarding effort, recognising success and playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community. 


Our PSHE curriculum covers all areas of the subject including, but not limited to, the statutory requirements of Relationships and Health Education. One timetabled PSHE lesson per week is taught throughout main school by the class teacher. In the Foundation Stage, PSHE is an integral part of the topic work covered during the year. Throughout the school we use the Cambridgeshire Primary Personal Development Programme to ensure there is a progression of skills and that prior learning is built upon. Work focuses on ‘Myself and My Relationships’, ‘Citizenship’, ‘Healthy and Safer Lifestyles’ and ‘Economic Wellbeing’ with a strong emphasis on emotional literacy through questioning, vocabulary and discussion topics. 

We believe that PSHE Education plays a vital part in primary education so there are many other opportunities where children are involved in PSHE outside of the discreet lesson, including assemblies where a range of themes are covered. Some of these include cross curriculum teaching (e.g. RE, Science and Computing), a broad range of extra curricula clubs, residential trips for older children and day trips outside of the locality, the school council (there is one representative from each class from Y1 to Y6) and regular performances for parents. 


By teaching pupils to stay safe and healthy, and by building self-esteem, resilience and empathy, an effective PSHE programme can tackle barriers to learning, raise aspirations and improve the life chances of all children.  By the time they leave our academy, PSHE enables our learners to become healthy, independent and responsible members of our society.  It helps them understand how they are developing personally and socially, and tackles many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up.  Our curriculum allows pupils to learn about rights and responsibilities and appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society.  We measure impact through pupil voice work, book scrutiny and lesson observations.  

This week in school has been Anti-Bullying week and we have been taking part in a range of activities. In FS, children have been looking at the book 'The Very Helpful Hedgehog' and thinking about how we can show kindness to others. In Year One, children have been role playing ways in which we can speak respectfully to one another. In Year Three, children took part in the BBC live lesson and wrote acrostic poems showing how we can 'Choose Respect'. In Year Four, children discussed different scenarios and had to decide whether they showed bullying behaviour or not. They also did some work around the book 'Grumpy Frog' and took part in the BBC live lesson. In Year 5, children also took part in the BBC live lesson and wrote acrostic poems. Year Six also took part in the BBC live lesson and then role played ways in which they could show respect..

Anti-bullying Week Poster Competition 2024


The theme for this year’s Anti-bullying week is ‘Choose Respect’ which will take place next week (11th - 15th November). During the week the children will be taking part in PSHE activities around the theme in addition to identifying what actually constitutes bullying and what we can all do to help.

We would like some new posters to go up around the school which should:

  • be bright and eye catching
  • be clear and easy to read
  • show how we can show respect and kindness to others


The Anti-bullying Alliance defines bullying as the repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. Bullying can be physical, verbal or psychological. It can happen face-to-face or online.


Please hand competition entries in to your class teacher by Thursday 14th November at the latest for judging.


Mindfulness Club

March Safety Zone

Year 6 visited March Fire Station to take part in their Safety Zone session.  There were eight workshops to help highlight how to keep safe in different scenarios.  These were led by the Police, Woodgreen Animal Shelter, Trading Standards and members of staff from the Fire Station. It was a very engaging and informative morning! 

Police Visit

Year 6 were visited by the local PCSOs to share a presentation about knife crime.  The officers shared lots of valuable information about the laws surrounding carrying knives and the risks of carrying a weapon.  The children were able to ask questions and the officers shared how they can report someone who they think way be carrying a knife.  

Year 3 'What Makes Me Me' Poems
