Celebrating British Values
At Glebelands we strive to promote and secure British values throughout our curriculum and ethos. This statement demonstrates our commitment to not only promote British Values but, also, to celebrate them.
We recognise the importance of embedding an understanding of valuing everyone’s opinion. As such, we have several pupil voice committees, the membership of which is determined by ballot vote within all classes whereby all children are provided with a vote. These committees include: School Council. They are responsible for making important decisions that impact on the life of the school and consult with their classes before such decisions are reached. The opinions and decisions of School Council have had a direct impact on the teaching and learning within our community.
The curriculum itself also reflects a desire to educate our learners about the various systems of democracy around the world both past and present. For instance, history topics study the ways in which other civilisations have been ruled and contrast these to our current British system of democracy.
Rule of Law
We encourage learners to understand and respect the laws of our country and contrast these with similar sanctions imposed around the world. Through philosophy, we explore the principles behind setting such rules for society and enable learners to think about the suitability and appropriateness of such rules. For example, topics which have previously covered such laws have explored issues of crime and punishment and equality and discrimination.
We also recognise the importance of educating children about how to work within the boundaries of the law. We regularly invite law enforcement agencies to speak in assemblies. This enables them to gain a better understanding of the ways in which they can work within the law’s remit but also how the law can protect them.
Individual Liberty
Across all school phases, we encourage children to make responsible choices whether in relation to their behaviour or our teaching and learning. Classes agree ‘contracts’ or rules which are in line with our school rules.
Children are able to make their own choices in relation to their learning challenges or free play activities in EYFS and KS1 when transitioning. This is demonstrated when children pose questions about topics they are learning. Teaching is then tailored to answer these questions and thereby engage all. Children are also able to exercise their own freedom by determining their targets for learning and choosing to participate in numerous extra-curricular clubs and opportunities.
Mutual Respect
Glebelands is a caring school where diversity is encouraged and celebrating difference is fundamental. We hold regular performances in which children are given the opportunity to shine. The concept of mutual respect is addressed through topics, RE lessons and PSHE assemblies and sessions. For instance, topics include understanding and celebrating the differences between men and women and PSHE assemblies address concepts such as bullying, Remembrance Day and freedom of choice.
Children are encouraged to work both cooperatively and independently with a wide variety of activities involving group or paired work. Our commitment means that we encourage and value ‘Caring’ and ‘Collaborative’ thinking.
Tolerance of Different Faiths and Beliefs
We encourage children to question the world around them in a respectful way. Our RE curriculum enables children to do this by exploring the various religions of the world and considering their own views in relation to these. Sessions involve rules in which children are enabled to recognise that all beliefs should be respected, even when these are different to your own.