Our Aims, Ethos and Values
We aim to:
- Provide a broad, balanced and challenging curriculum, which meets the educational, emotional and social needs of all pupils
- Deliver the curriculum through high quality teaching, which enables all children to meet national standards
- Enable all pupils to develop self-confidence, pride in their achievements at school and to take responsibility for their learning
- Encourage all pupils to develop respect for themselves and others in school and for those in the wider society
- Provide a safe and secure environment in which to learn
- Develop meaningful links with families and the local community
We believe:
- That each of us is special and unique
- That we should all be open and honest
- That personal goals work alongside academic attainment to give the best possible outcomes
- That every child should be given equal opportunities regardless of learning needs, disability, religion, gender, culture or social background
- That parents and the wider community have a role in the life of our school
- That learning should be interesting and fun
We want Glebelands to be a school where:
- Liberty and tolerance are actively promoted
- We all hold dear the values agreed with parents and pupils
- The children have respect for the people and environment around them
- We nurture the best possible relationships between all members of the school community based on co-operation and mutual respect
- The children are caring and sensitive members of the community showing respect and tolerance towards others
- We create and sustain a happy environment in which all children can experience a love of learning
- The children will be inspired to take up learning for the rest of their lives and have high aspirations and ambition to succeed