Home Page

Year 2



We have had a great time in Science learning all about plants and what they need to thrive. We undertook several experiments to find out what conditions were best for a plant to grow. Once we found out that they need light, warmth, water, nutrients and air we designed the perfect greenhouse and made terrariums. This was so much fun we decided to use our learning from English on instruction writing to write a set of instructions for how to make a terrarium.

DT - Healthy Eating 


We had a great time preparing some healthy snacks from scratch. We learnt a range of different knife skills and the importance of a balanced diet. The pitta chips were are real hit!

The Raptor Foundation 


We had a great trip to the Raptor Foundation and learnt a huge amount about owls and a range of different birds of prey.

                         Welcome to Year Two 


We hope that you have all had a wonderful summer holiday and are looking forward to another great year. We are excited to welcome everyone back into school and we are looking forward to getting to know everyone. We have lots of great learning planned and this page will keep you up to date, so please keeping checking in to see pictures of what we have been up to!        


PE days for both classes are Monday and Friday


Please make sure to come with appropriate PE kits, including safe footwear and no jewellery is allowed to be worn on these days. Please also make sure that as the weather changes warm clothing is provided for outdoor PE lessons.


A quick reminder that if earrings are worn to school the must be studs that the children can remove themselves for PE. 



Reading: 15 minutes a day 

Numbots: 20 minutes a week 



