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Welcome to Foundation Stage

The children have all begun to settle in and are learning the rules and routines. They have been exploring the indoor and outdoor environments and learning to take care of the resources. 


PE days are:

Tuesday - Mrs Maiden's Class

Thursday - Mrs Brooking's and Mrs Collingswood's class

Earrings must be removed for PE days


As the weather is getting warmer please send in a hat each day with your child but make sure they still have their wellies for water play.

We have been reading the bad tempered ladybird.

We ordered the story and learnt to tell o'clock times.

Summer Term 


We have started our new topic 'All Creatures Great and Small'.  

We stared off learning about farm animals and where our food comes from. We  also learnt about the journey from wool to scarf. We read 'Spin a  Scarf of Sunshine' by Dawn Casey and Stella Lim.

We looked at wool from different breeds of sheep and Mrs Brooking brought in her carders, spindle  and her spinning wheel and demonstrated how raw wool is turned into yarn.





We read another book by Dawn Casey and Stella Lim called 'The Bumblebee Garden' and are finding out lots about different kinds of bees, their habitat and their lifecycle.

We also been enjoying learning about why they are important to us and our planet.

We have been painting and creating bees.



We had a great time at Church Farm today.

We have been having a great time getting wet and muddy in the forest!

World Book Day

We read 'My Pet Star'

We made star cookies


We have been reading stories about Handa. 

Handa lives in Kenya which is a country in Africa.

We tried some Pineapple and Mango - Yum!
