Oxford Reading Buddy
We are delighted to tell you that our school is now using Oxford Reading Buddy. This is a digital reading service to support children’s reading development at home as well as at school.
Oxford Reading Buddy contains hundreds of digital books and book quizzes all matched to your child’s reading ability. Children can earn badges for good reading behaviours, be coached in their understanding by their personal ‘Reading Buddy’, take quizzes and record all the reading they do. Everything is captured so that your child’s teacher can see how they’re getting on. The children will be awarded badges for their commitment and progress.
Please log in to Oxford Reading Buddy when your child brings home their sign-in card and have a look around the website. Do encourage your child to use it regularly and discuss what they are reading with you. There are some coaching eBooks which teach comprehension and associated reading skills. These are great coaching eBooks because Reading Buddy will model how to support and encourage these skills as they read.
When your child is taking a quiz, please try to provide a quiet workspace for them. It is important for them to complete the quizzes independently because their answers will help your child’s teacher understand their needs.
If you don’t have a tablet or PC at home, the service works on smartphone as well.
Oxford Reading Buddy is currently in the BETA trial stage and as such you may experience some issues. If you do have any problems or glitches with it, please let us know so that we can pass this on to Oxford Reading Buddy. Send an email to: office@glebelands.cambs.sch.uk with the subject ‘Reading Buddy’ and explain the issue. This will enable them to improve their service to us.
For more detailed information, go to this address and choose Parent Support: https://support.oxfordreadingbuddy.com/ or look at the introductory video at https://www.oxfordreadingbuddy.com/uk .